Clean Stories Blog
To complement our strong engagement effort and accelerate transition towards the bioeconomy, we provide unique insights and learning resources through our dedicated Clean Stories blog.
6th International Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development
Clean Stories will serve as the communication sponsor for the 6th International Summer School on Circular Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development.
The impactful role of storytelling in bioeconomy communication
What are the advantages of using narrative to communicate science? To what extent can stories bridge the gap between science and society? Can storytelling revolutionize bioeconomy awareness?
What are the main challenges in implementing a circular economy?
Despite its growing popularity, the concept of circular economy and its underlying principles face multiple challenges. Complex supply chains, weakness in aligning circular models with competitive business models, lack of effective national policies, and a social dimension, are only a few of them.
What does it cost the planet to look fashionable?
Looking fashionable can be bad for the environment. The fashion industry produces 20% of global wastewater and 10% of global CO2 emissions – that’s more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.
World Environment Day 2023
This year’s World Environment Day, commemorating its 50th anniversary, addresses plastic pollution, rallying behind the slogan and hashtag #BeatPlasticPollution. It is time to change how we produce, consume and dispose of the plastic we use.
Celebrating Bioeconomy Day 2023: Shaping a Sustainable Future Together!
Today, we join hands to celebrate Bioeconomy Day, a remarkable occasion that highlights the crucial role of the bioeconomy in driving sustainable development.
Unveiling the Power of Mycelium as a Biomaterial
Mushrooms and their intricate network of mycelium have emerged as a sustainable and versatile biomaterial with immense potential for revolutionizing various industries.
Organic waste: the key to a sustainable future?
Biotechnology helps to transform organic waste into bioplastic. Read how.
Podcast: Circular Bio-based Europe Info Day
Clean Stories owner, Maria Andrielou, has recorded a podcast about the Circular Bio-based Europe Info Day, occurring in Brussels on April 20.
Breaking the circular bioeconomy communication barrier
What makes bioeconomy communication so challenging? Why does it still seem detached from the world, when it touches upon so many areas of our daily life?
How digital marketing can help you grow
In today’s fast-growing digital world, businesses must learn how to benefit from digital marketing to generate more value for their customers and business growth.
Communicating for influence and impact
To influence someone’s emotions, opinion or decision means you have been understood; therefore, you have communicated effectively. So, getting it right matters.
Olive stones: from waste to resource
Olive stones could solve the increasing energy crisis and the environmental contamination problem, as they can be used for bioethanol and bioplastic production.
The EU Blue bioeconomy report 2022 is public
The updated edition focuses on algae and seaweeds, while offering an overview of the latest developments of algae cultivation systems in the EU and the world.
Could seaweed revolutionize packaging?
By replacing current packaging materials with seaweed, the world’s packaging waste and recycling problem could be revolutionized.
Are coffee capsules bad for the environment?
Did you know that a coffee capsule takes 500 years to decompose? Coffee capsules can be an eco-conscious choice, when manufactured and disposed of correctly.
We are hiring!
We are looking for an enthusiastic Communication assistant (M/F/O) to join our team in Thessaloniki! Apply by 30 September.
The EUCYS 2021 Bioeconomy Prize is awarded to Spain
Alba Serrano Garcia and Patricia Marco Gaya, Spain, receive the EUCYS 2021 Bioeconomy Prize for their project on fossils’ resistance to climate change.
Winners of the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021”
A chair made from hemp fibres and bio-resin (NL), PET bottles made from enzymatically recycled textile waste (FR) and CO2-based household cleaners (USA/CH).
EU-funded projects launch bioeconomy book for kids!
EU-funded projects BIOVOICES and Transition2BIO have just published a bioeconomy book for kids! With this initiative, the projects aim to educate young children about the bioeconomy in a fun and creative way.